The current media landscape is noisier, more convoluted and crowded than ever before. The term 24-hour news cycle is earning its money as we have seen over the past few weeks alone: multiple instances of police brutality followed by waves of protests, the arrival of a 140 mph Category 4 hurricane, increased political discourse around the Republican and Democrat National Conventions; all the while we are still in the trenches of a battle against the one of the worst pandemics the world has ever seen.
Journalists have more stories on their plates than they know what to do with, and it seems like each day, another developing story is added to the media agenda. For PR professionals, this creates a unique scenario. Media channels are busier than ever, making it very easy for your clients to get lost in the shuffle. With newsrooms shrinking at a rapid pace, PR teams need to find ways to make their brand stand out amidst the noisy news cycle.
Thus, a data-driven mindset is needed to secure strong media coverage that will move the needle for your brand in a difficult time. Reporters have a knack for pulling together interesting stories for their audiences, but they need help. Reporters require statistics, insights and data that will help turn a story from solid to spectacular. Game-changing data can put the spotlight on your brand and this piece will show why this is so vital and how to harness the power of data-driven PR.
Cut Through the Noise
Given the sheer amount of pressing stories developing around the world, brands are fighting an uphill battle to become noticed. But another aspect is the resurgence of fake news. No, this term is not new, but since the rise of COVID-19, it has taken on a new life. With misinformation rampant regarding the virus, fake news has never been more dangerous.
This has journalists on high alert with any pitches they come across. Any claim or story idea will be skimmed with cautious eyes. Reporters will want brands to prove any claims they make and show rationale and data to help drive an idea from concept to the front page.
Become a Resource for Journalists
While there is a sea of third-party data out there already, there is nothing quite like having your own proprietary research. Often, third-party data is outdated and may not be 100% aligned with points your brand is looking to make. On the other hand, proprietary research will be forever associated with your company and can not only aid journalists with a certain story, but propel your company as a trust thought leader on a topic.
This generates industry authority and positions your company as the go-to source for insights on a particular topic aligned with your business goals. Journalists will rely on you for game-changing data which can drive future stories with lasting impacts.
Our client PFS, recently issued a survey exploring how COVID-19 had impacted the retail behaviors of consumers. With insights and data crafted alongside a compelling narrative on what the future holds for the retail sector, they were able to stand out in a noisy news environment. This generated great results across industry and business media, positioning the eCommerce services company as a thought leader in this new age of commerce.
PR professionals have to think strategically to position their clients in the current media climate. Leveraging data, and more specifically, proprietary research is a great way to achieve this and ensure your brand has a clear and trusted voice amidst all the chaos in today’s news media.